

Paroles officielles de la chanson «In Dreams» : Tomemitsu

Chanteurs : Tomemitsu
Auteurs : Martin Roark
Éditeurs : Echo Orange
Albums :

Paroles officielles de la chanson "In Dreams"

In dreams

When i look around my heart
I can see the doors have closed
I can see the words have spoken
I can feel the world around out there, air
I can see there's more to own that's closed than open
I can see the stars and stripes
I can see the fire and i can see the lights
I can see the dirty clothes, and the dirty sheets
I can see who i miss most
I can see in dreams
In dreams

When i look around my heart
I could only hope to find it
I whisper to the grass and focus
I only hope to grasp the most of it all
I only want to feel the flight before the fall
I could wish for another year with you
I can see that i am only fooling myself
I never want to fear my disbelief
I could only hope to see

In dreams