

Paroles officielles de la chanson «Climb That Pal» : Skyern Aklea

Chanteurs : Skyern Aklea
Compositeurs : Julien Javaux
Auteurs : Julien Javaux
Éditeurs : Lalouline Editions
Albums :

Paroles officielles de la chanson "Climb That Pal"

Oh boy, you got to feel better,
You need to climb that, pal.
You just a kid and you beat it.
Yeah, you're doing it.

You boy, this mountain is so high and
You need to climb that, pal.
So you're a kid, you beaten it.
Yeah, so you did it.

Try to believe in you
And trust me, you will do it.
Don't forget to get back home.

Young boy, now you're gone
It's time to climb your fear
And jump in all your tears.
Your tears.

Try to believe in you
And trust me, you will do it.
Don't forget to get back home.